5 beautiful celebration photos of Iga Swiatek that fans are resharing

😍What a season it was… Seen much, done much, learned even more. Before I start the vacation for good, which I really need, I just want to leave here a few sentences of gratitude and one reflection.

Thank you to my team without it I wouldn’t be here, thank you to everyone who supports me everyday through the good times and the hard times. I also want to thank all the girls I compete with – you make me want to be a better tennis player and each of us has our own, important story that we can show the world together, for which I am very grateful.

The best things come to us when we stop looking for them.

😍What a season that was… I saw, did and learned so much. Before I’ll start my much needed vacation, I would like to leave here some words of appreciation, gratitude and some thoughts.

I would like to thank my team. I wouldn’t be in this place without you. I want to thank everyone who supports me every day through the ups and downs of every season. And last but not least… I want to thank the amazing women I compete with on tour. Thanks to you,

I constantly want to be a better player. Every one of us has our own story and we can tell those stories together through our sport. I’m grateful for you and for this opportunity.
The best things happen to us when… we stop chasing them.


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